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Tristate Classic Car Restoration
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Service Title

Tristate Classic Car Restoration

Expertise Area

Service Timings

Note: Opening hours may Differ due to COVID-19

Days Opening Time Closing Time
Monday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM

Description Contact dealer

Tristate Classic Car Restoration

If you want your vehicle to be restored properly, it must be repaired by a store specializing not only in resto********* d brand of car you own. You can't expect a single store to know everything you need to know about every car ever built. If you own a British sports car, don't expect an American muscle car store to know how to restore your car in a timely fashion. If they have never worked on your vehicle type before, your car may be the experimental vehicle they are looking to learn about. Si desea que su vehículo sea restaurado adecuadamente, debe ser reparado por una tienda especializada no solo en restaurar automóviles viejos, sino también en el tipo y marca de automóvil que posee. No puede esperar que una sola tienda sepa todo lo que necesita saber sobre cada automóvil que se haya construido. Si posee un automóvil deportivo británico, no espere que una tienda estadounidense de muscle car sepa cómo restaurar su automóvil de manera oportuna. Si nunca antes han trabajado en su tipo de vehículo, su automóvil puede ser el vehículo experimental sobre el que están buscando aprender.

Tristate Classic Car Restoration

Location: NJIT, Central Avenue, Newark, NJ, USA

Contact No. ******1212 View


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Seller Information
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Contact No. : N/A
Business Name : N/A
Location : NJIT, Central Avenue, Newark, NJ, USA


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